The Handyman’s Journal is full of home repair tips and home maintenance guides to help you keep your home like a well oiled machine. Check back often as we add more home repair information on a regular basis.
Looking through the prebuilt kitchen cabinets at the home improvement store, you might be tempted to just buy some and screw them up. Especially if you already have the basic tools. power driver/drill with bits tape measure stud finder 4 ft level wood clamps x 2 Add a youtube video and you have a fun...Continue Reading
While there are always more tools you can buy, with a good basic tool set, you can take care of most home improvement jobs. Milwaukee Handyman has put together a list of the most essential tools to own for basic home repair. The Big 3 Hammer – The hammer was likely the first tool ever...Continue Reading
With winter coming soon, many Milwaukee residents are looking for ways to increase their home energy efficiency and decrease those steep heating & electric bills that seem to come every winter. Here is a list of steps you can take to take the bite out of winter. Energy Efficient Doors and Windows: One of the...Continue Reading
While garbage disposals help simplify our life and reduce household waste, it just means one more thing in the house that can go wrong. Try these easy tips on how to keep your garbage disposal in great shape. If you still need help with your broken garbage disposal, contact the experts at Milwaukee Handyman, 262.439.8620....Continue Reading
With the warm weather months rapidly approaching, it’s time to dust off your Milwaukee home ceiling fans and air conditioners. Here are some ways you can keep your Milwaukee home cool this season. Create a Breeze Follow these basic home cooling tips to create a breeze in your home keeping it nice and cool all...Continue Reading
As winter draws near, many Milwaukee homeowners may experience little or no running water in certain areas of the house. This is a sign of a frozen pipe. Preventing frozen pipes will eliminate the stress of thawing and fixing frozen pipes later. Pipes that are openly exposed or close to an outside wall are most...Continue Reading
In honor of June being National Safety Month, we find it only fitting that we share some Milwaukee home safety tips. Here are 10 ways to keep your family and home safe! If there is a small child in the house, childproof electrical outlets, cabinets, bathrooms, and more. Contact Milwaukee Handyman for help childproofing your...Continue Reading
Most Milwaukee homeowners don’t notice when electrical outlets aren’t working properly, and are unaware of the typical electrical dangers at hand. Some signs of faulty outlets are flickering lights, constant blown fuses, or sluggishly running appliances. These minor electrical problems can become a risk of electrical shock or major fire hazard, and cause greater problems...Continue Reading
In honor of October being Fire Safety Month, we find it only fitting that we share some fire prevention tips to keep you and your loved ones safe. Electrical Safety in your Milwaukee Home Frayed or cracked electrical cords should be replaced immediately. Don’t run electrical cords under rugs. They can overheat, and the insulation...Continue Reading
Get started on that project you have been putting off